The Blue Oyster Bar – Best Leather Bar in Town
Stonewall Hotel – Oxford Street
Sunday 5th March 2023
11am onwards
Free Event (Before 3pm)
With World Pride drawing to a close, the Sydney Leathermen (SLM) & HAUS Of SAVVY in conjunction with the Stonewall Hotel are excited to bring you The Blue Oyster Bar, a bar for the leather and fetish community to gather after the Sydney World Pride march this will be your chance to reminisce about the last few weeks and days of fun and put on your favourite leathers for some retro 80’s and social awesomeness.
Come meet the newly crowned Sydney Mr Leather 2023 and the Sydney Bootblack 2023 as well as many other likeminded leather and fetish men and women from around the world. As we invite you to celebrate your pride, our leather pride and with welcoming arms to all we meet and showcase how amazing our community really is!
Still confused about the Blue Oyster? It’s a reference to The Blue Oyster Bar also known as the best Salad bar in town from the Police Academy movies. The Blue Oyster was a fictitious gay leather bar filled with leather clad bikers, leather daddy’s and hot leathermen, who didn’t want to visit that place! So that’s what we are aiming on bringing back, The Blue Oyster. The Best Salad.I mean Leather Bar in Town. So let’s fill the ground floor and street front of the Stonewall hotel with as many people from the leather community as we can, Leathermen with Cigars smoking on the street and generally have a grand old time as we celebrate our leather with World Pride.
The Dress code – We ask you to wear Leather, Leather and Leather, did we mention leather! It is open to all but please wear leather and kink or fetish gear to show your fetish to the world as Oxford St is closed for a street party and we need and want to be seen… please bring your friends.