The History Of Sydney Leather Men Incorporated. (Iteration 2022)
Taking advantage of the quiet solitude brought on by COVID-19 lockdowns, the SLM founding group (Mick Watson, Igor Rudar, Peter Rayner, Raymond VZ) spent two years consulting with community members, identifying what was missing and what could be improved. This community consultation led to the birth of SLM in 2022, as lockdowns lifted. SLM was designed to be more than a club – it was a safe haven for like-minded leather men to gather, socialise, bond, and reinvigorate a sense of leather brotherhood.
In early 2022, SLM was approached to take part in resurrecting the Sydney Leather Title, positioning the group as the ‘Club House’ for the titleholder. This initiative aligned perfectly with our vision, and in March 2023, a new Sydney Mr Leather was chosen after a seven-year hiatus. The new titleholder was one of SLM’s founders, who had stepped down during the selection process to maintain transparency and integrity and all SLM organisers excluded themselves from the competition process. (Coach Jura – Igor Rudar)
August 2023, SLM proudly supported the introduction of Sydney Leather Weekend, a milestone in the journey to restore Sydney back into a premier destination for the global leather community. By 2024, Sydney Leather Week commenced decoupling from SLM to become its own organisation run by two of our founders in Mick Watson & Igor Rudar, with the support of other community partners. Together, we are reigniting the spark of the leather culture in Sydney, fostering inclusivity, community, and pride.
On the 8th November 2023 we announced that after months of dedicated efforts we had been approved for a small grant by Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras that would allow SLM to take the next steps in its evolution, namely register as a community association, get the right covers in place and commence a membership program amongst other things. Unfortunately SGLMG were poor in their engagement and SLM only ever received 50% of the grant and walked away from the remainder due to a lack of engagement and communication from SGLMG.
Thursday 9th November our application for becoming incorporated was approved and SLM became Sydney Leather Men Incorporated. Our Innaugral committee was made up of the founders and other supportive members. Mick Watson (President), Pete Rayner (VP/Secretary), Ian Wall (Treasurer), Raymond VZ (Public Officer), Stephen Green (Committee) and Igor Rudar (Community Liaison).
Thursday 18th January 2024 SLM announced its Membership program. By the end of that first day SLM had 35 members against a first years goal of 50. A remarkable show of support from the community and a clear vote of confidence. Member numbers 1-6 belong to the founders and the first committee, from #7 onwards its our members with lower numbers represent earliest time of being a member with SLM Inc.
- 2020 – Founding Committee members leave their founding roles with ‘The Hide’ and commence developing SLM
- June 16th 2022 – SLM’s First Leather Men’s Meet Up in the Chapel Bar at Kinsela’s Hotel with a turnout of 20+ Leather Men.
- March 2023 – SLM becomes the ‘Club House’ for newly elected Sydney Mr Leather 2023. Our Social during world pride becomes our biggest ever event with 105 attendee’s.
- November 2023 – SLM is approved for a grant by SGLMG, sparking an evolution. SLM promptly becomes Sydney Leather Men Incorporated as a community run association. Novembers Social becomes 2nd Biggest attended event with 85 men supporting.
- January 2024 – SLM Launches its Membership program, along with the first lot of member benefits. By the completion of Day 1 we had 35 members.